Monday, November 24, 2008

The Musicians Introduce Themselves

Jaume Gavilán Agulló

Jaume Gavilán Agulló was born in Cocentaina (Alicante, Spain) in 1986. He studied elementary and secondary conservatory in Onteniente and Alicante. When he was 18 he moved to Rotterdam (the Netherlands) to study First Phase at Codarts Hogeschool voor de kunsten with George Wiegel, Jörgen van Rijen and Pierre Volders. He is the Solo trombonist of the Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra and the former second trombone of the Netherlands Radio Chamber Philharmonic. He has played with The Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Rotterdam Philharmonic, Jeneusses Musicales World Orchestra and the Netherlands Blazers Ensemble. He is a member of the Internation Trombone Ensemble, 3.1 Trombone Quartet, West-East Divan Orchestra and Winds of Change.

Shira Majoni

Shira was born in Florence, Italy in 1989 to a family of musicians. She started studying the violin at the age of five and in Summer 2001 she made "aliya" with her family and settled in Tel Aviv, Israel. In 2004, she started her viola studies under the guidance of Prof. Lilach Levanon.

Shira performed as a soloist with the Thelma Yellin symphony orchestra and is a member of the Jerusalem International Chamber Music Festival where she has performed with many important artists. In summer 2007 she took part in Wilfried Strehle's mastercourse at the Summer Academy in the Mozarteum in Salzburg, and in Bruno Giuranna's mastercourse at the Accademia Chigiana in Sienna. In October 2007, she was accepted to the class of Prof. Giuranna at the Accademia Stauffer in Cremona.

Shira is a member of the West-East Divan Orchestra and of The Winds of Change, and receives scholarships from the America-Israel Cultural Foundation.

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